I seem to have surrounded myself with teachers – almost as if the universe is trying to tell me something…. I married a teacher, my Mother in Law is a teacher. My Aunty and Uncle have been educators for many years. My 2 best friends are teachers, along with many of the other friends I have, in Hong Kong, Australia and around the world.
I am extremely lucky in this respect – as I entered into the profession with deep insight into the type of people that teachers are, and I have noticed – over time – that there are a few common traits amongst many of the teachers I have met. Read on to find out more….
10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Teachers
Please note: (*insert sarcasm here*) I don’t do sarcasm.
1. Teachers LOVE cold tea or coffee. It’s an occupational requirement.
2. They have specially trained their bladders to only need to “go” at recess or lunch times. They also only get hungry during such break times.
3. Teachers are real people – even outside of school: therefore, will probably be seen shopping, getting a haircut, dining out, exercising and possibly even drinking socially. Heck, they may even live in your building/suburb – DO NOT BE ALARMED.
4. There is nothing they would rather do than discuss students individual marks/issues/progress when encountered outside school. Particularly on the weekend.
5. Educators are particularly fond of marking work and planning lessons on weekends or late into the evenings. They live for it.
6. They don’t mind if you send your child to school with head lice/high fever/communicable diseases, as they are immune to any of these ailments, diseases and conditions.
7. The teacher of your children probably hasn’t noticed that your child is gifted/talented/a genius. You should tell them. And have them assessed. And discuss a plan to make sure that their talents are being nurtured appropriately.
8. Teachers set homework because they like to make sure the students are not bored at home. They do not believe that it is a valuable extension of learning and a great way for parents to keep up to date with what’s happening at school.
9. Teachers send home notes in school bags as a social experiment. They do not expect them to be read, acknowledged, signed or returned. They are expecting to send more than one copy. They never tire of this.
10. If you are a parent, teachers know more about you than you would like them to. They know more about you than they would like to know. “Children say the darndest things…”
I am sure that there are so many more things that people don’t know about teachers. Please – add your own, by commenting below!!
Until next time - see you in the supermarket – Team Future
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